- 主题:卧铺车厢为何不分男女
Now university dormitories are generally divided into male and female dormitories. There is a clear distinction. However, in the sleeper compartment of the train, Strange men and women can sleep in the same room. Although they generally don’t take off their clothes when sleeping in the sleeper compartment, it also feels very inconvenient. Recently, I heard that the news broke that erotic men molested girls in sleeper compartment. Has anyone thought about dividing sleeper compartment into men and women? In fact, it is not technically difficult. There are gender information on the ID card. Let the same-sex relatives and single men and women are allocated to sleeper compartments for men and women respectively, thus avoiding the embarrassing situation of strange men and women living together.
FROM 120.245.108.*
FROM 183.192.47.*
【 在 greattreenet (greattree) 的大作中提到: 】
: 因为找不到敏感关键词,只能翻译成英文了。
: Now university dormitories are generally divided into male and female dormitories. There is a clear distinction. However, in the sleeper compartment of the train, Strange men and women can sleep in the same room. Although they generally don’t take o
FROM 183.14.31.*
【 在 greattreenet (greattree) 的大作中提到: 】
: 因为找不到敏感关键词,只能翻译成英文了。
: Now university dormitories are generally divided into male and female dormitories. There is a clear distinction. However, in the sleeper compartment of the train, Strange men and women can sleep in the same room. Although they generally don’t take o
【 在 bnwbear (黑白毛色的熊) 的大作中提到: 】
: 标 题: Re: 卧铺车厢为何不分男女
: 发信站: 水木社区 (Tue Mar 2 11:26:35 2021), 站内
: 核心问题就是两个因素:
: 1,资源问题,就是铺位无法满足需求
: 2,成本问题,旅客不愿意支付更多额外的费用
: 假如运力充足,旅客也愿意付钱,
: 完全可以以包厢为单位购票,你的问题都解决了
: 【 在 greattreenet (greattree) 的大作中提到: 】
: : 因为找不到敏感关键词,只能翻译成英文了。
: : Now university dormitories are generally divided into male and female dormitories. There is a clear distinction. However, in the sleeper compartment of the train, Strange men and women can sleep in the same room. Although they generally don’t take o
: --
: ※ 来源:·水木社区 newsmth.net·[FROM:]
FROM 114.253.249.*
【 在 greattreenet 的大作中提到: 】
: 因为找不到敏感关键词,只能翻译成英文了。
: Now university dormitories are generally divided into male and female dormitories. There is a clear distinction. However, in the sleeper compartment of the train, Strange men and women can sleep in the same room. Although they generally don’t take off their clothes when sleeping in the sleeper compartment, it also feels very inconvenient. Recently, I heard that the news broke that erotic men molested girls in sleeper compartment. Has anyone thought about dividing sleeper compartment into men and women? In fact, it is not technically difficult. There are gender information on the ID card. Let the same-sex relatives and single men and women are allocated to sleeper compartments for men and women respectively, thus avoiding the embarrassing situation of strange men and women living together.
FROM 218.247.17.*
FROM 183.212.166.*
FROM 183.65.30.*
【 在 greattreenet 的大作中提到: 】
: 因为找不到敏感关键词,只能翻译成英文了。
: Now university dormitories are generally divided into male and female dormitories. There is a clear distinction. However, in the sleeper compartment of the train, Strange men and women can sleep in the same room. Although they generally don’t take off their clothes when sleeping in the sleeper compartment, it also feels very inconvenient. Recently, I heard that the news broke that erotic men molested girls in sleeper compartment. Has anyone thought about dividing sleeper compartment into men and women? In fact, it is not technically difficult. There are gender information on the ID card. Let the same-sex relatives and single men and women are allocated to sleeper compartments for men and women respectively, thus avoiding the embarrassing situation of strange men and women living together.
FROM 219.134.117.*
【 在 greattreenet 的大作中提到: 】
: 因为找不到敏感关键词,只能翻译成英文了。
: Now university dormitories are generally divided into male and female dormitories. There is a clear distinction. However, in the sleeper compartment of the train, Strange men and women can sleep in the same room. Although they generally don’t take off their clothes when sleeping in the sleeper compartment, it also feels very inconvenient. Recently, I heard that the news broke that erotic men molested girls in sleeper compartment. Has anyone thought about dividing sleeper compartment into men and women? In fact, it is not technically difficult. There are gender information on the ID card. Let the same-sex relatives and single men and women are allocated to sleeper compartments for men and women respectively, thus avoiding the embarrassing situation of strange men and women living together.
FROM 219.134.117.*