谁能想到盛极一时的老大哥,竟然在十年后轰然倒塌。 【 在 vieux 的大作中提到: 】 : Opening ceremony of the Summer Olympics at the Sports Arena of the Central Lenin Stadium, Moscow, 1980 (photo by Robert Maximov) -- FROM 124.127.65.*
涅夫搞了二十年 【 在 vieux 的大作中提到: 】 : Opening ceremony of the Summer Olympics at the Sports Arena of the Central Lenin Stadium, Moscow, 1980 (photo by Robert Maximov) -- FROM 180.173.51.*
【 在 vieux (le vieux fusil) 的大作中提到: 】 : Opening ceremony of the Summer Olympics at the Sports Arena of the Central Lenin Stadium, Moscow, 1980 (photo by Robert Maximov) : : -- : -- FROM 115.27.213.*