Omicron BA.2 reinfections do occur sho
rtly after BA.1 infections but are rare.
说的是shortly reinfections的 rare
可没说 reinfections rare了
【 在 ee3 (ee3) 的大作中提到: 】
: 标 题: Re: 为什么奥密一流行,德尔塔就消声匿迹了呢?
: 发信站: 水木社区 (Fri May 6 00:36:53 2022), 站内
: 得了新冠再重复感染的的确有,但比例极低,远低于疫苗突破率,这是无数研究所证明的
: 本版是科学版,请以科学态度讨论问题,而不是用事实而非的错误论据误导人
: 这是最新研究数据,180万人里重复感染187人。
: To investigate this, we selected a subset of samples from more than 1,8 million cases of infections in the period from November 22, 2021, until February 11, 2022. Here, individuals with two positive samples, more than 20 and less than 60 days apart, were selected. From a total of 187 reinfection cases, we identified 47 instances of BA.2 reinfections shortly after a BA.1 infection, mostly in young unvaccinated individuals with mild disease not resulting in hospitalization or death.
: In conclusion, we provide evidence that Omicron BA.2 reinfections do occur shortly after BA.1 infections but are rare.
: 【 在 xiaya 的大作中提到: 】
: : 怎么现在还有这种奇葩言论
: : 且不论抗体有效性最低有三周失效的
: : 现在新出的无视奥抗体的变种都茫茫多了
: : ...................
: --
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