There are many risks attached to social media sites, and cyberbullying is one of the larger risks.[37] One million children were harassed, threatened or subjected to other forms of cyberbullying on Facebook during the past year,[when?] while 90 percent of social-media-using teens who have witnessed online cruelty say they have ignored mean behavior on social media, and 35 percent have done so frequently. Ninety-five percent of social-media-using teens who have witnessed cruel behavior on social networking sites say they have seen others ignoring the mean behavior, and 55 percent have witnessed this frequently.[38] Terms like "Facebook depression" have been coined specifically in regard to the result of extended social media use, with cyberbullying playing a large part in this.
欧美校园霸凌严重得很,网络暴力是一脉相承罢了。你真以为欧美人是白莲花啊?欧美网络暴力的例子多的是。随便再找一个被逼得上吊的美国女孩 Megan Meier:
Phoebe Prince, Tyler Clementi , Amanda Todd
【 在 Zsuper 的大作中提到: 】
: 你就这一个孤例。
: 中国的网络暴力是无处不在。比如水木,每天随便发个什么帖子就有一帮暴民冲出来要“拍”。征婚要拍,离婚也要拍。拍尼玛贔拍啊,跟你有关系吗?把你自己情况亮出来,看看还不如人家呢。
: 问他“拍”完了别人有什么好处?没有。这就是本能,几千年外忍内残,零和思维严重。人多的种群来自身边人的生存空间挤占、资源威胁更迫切,而人少的种群觉得该抱团,所以欧美互联网世界没有这种文化。老外更多是联合关系近的对付关系远的,中国人是联合关系远的对付关系近的,“治不了洋人,还治不了你”。
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