【 在 Kansas 的大作中提到: 】 : 目前看到的消息是通关BoTW DLC后可以那张合影照片带到ToTK里。 : https://www.reddit.com/r/TOTK/comments/1383gyw/a_question_i_have_about_save_transfers/ : At this time, no one knows. The only thing we know so far is the Champion's Ballad photo and the horses. There may be more, but I suspect we'll have to wait until its release to know for sure. : ................... -- FROM
【 在 Kansas 的大作中提到: 】 : 目前看到的消息是通关BoTW DLC后可以那张合影照片带到ToTK里。 : https://www.reddit.com/r/TOTK/comments/1383gyw/a_question_i_have_about_save_transfers/ : At this time, no one knows. The only thing we know so far is the Champion's Ballad photo and the horses. There may be more, but I suspect we'll have to wait until its release to know for sure. : ................... -- FROM 124.127.170.*