- 主题:yuzu赔了任天堂240万,换了名字重生
【 在 forthehorde 的大作中提到: 】
: 不得不说,免费的软件还是有钱啊,240万毛毛雨
FROM 73.32.199.*
【 在 alphayoung 的大作中提到: 】
: 不是收钱的问题,而是在社区里散播盗版
: 做软件(模拟器本身)不犯法,卖这个软件(或者众筹)都没事,但是王泪那时候他们在Discord频道里散播ROM,估计被任天堂卧底抓包有实锤了,不和解不行了
FROM 73.32.199.*
绕过密钥的工具并不是yuzu提供的。yuzu这些人犯的一个愚蠢的错误就是在自己的网站上写了怎么Dump Rom的教程。其实这些教程在油管上要多少有多少,现在回头看,yuzu就是死在话太多了。
【 在 ibriano 的大作中提到: 】
: 看任天堂起诉卷宗,他们最大的软肋是绕过密匙的问题,这就不是模拟器技术了,而是破解技术
FROM 73.32.199.*
§ 201.40 Exemptions to prohibition against circumvention.
(i) Video games in the form of computer programs embodied in physical or downloaded formats that have been lawfully acquired as complete games, when the copyright owner or its authorized representative has ceased to provide access to an external computer server necessary to facilitate an authentication process to enable gameplay, solely for the purpose of:
(A) Permitting access to the video game to allow copying and modification of the computer program to restore access to the game for personal, local gameplay on a personal computer or video game console;
我还是认为任天堂这么针对yuzu还是提前为了Switch 2打算。如果它这么在意知识产权,Dolphin就是个现成的靶子,最后它也没把Dolphin怎么样。
【 在 ibriano 的大作中提到: 】
: 模拟器可以搞呀,但是你研究怎么绕过密匙,这是模拟器技术吗?我觉得对于技术宅的模拟器技术,挑战在于怎么在pc环境下用不同的软硬件去模拟主机的软硬件环境,这很有意思。任天堂从来也不打击这种(打击也不会获得法律支持)
: 但是这个现在曝光的案宗很清楚了,ns每一台主机有一个唯一密匙,然后这个模拟器的研究组一直跟进在每次升级系统后如何绕过这个密匙,这有任何技术上的意义?这是纯粹的侵犯知识产权呀,所以以前索尼告ps模拟器没赢,任天堂这次对方直接投了,自己也很清楚自己理亏的大发,开庭只能更亏
FROM 73.32.199.*
Code of Federal Regulations > Title 37—Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights > CHAPTER II—U.S. COPYRIGHT OFFICE, LIBRARY OF CONGRESS > SUBCHAPTER A—COPYRIGHT OFFICE AND PROCEDURES > PART 201—GENERAL PROVISIONS > § 201.40 Exemptions to prohibition against circumvention.
【 在 forthehorde 的大作中提到: 】
: 这段话出自哪里,这个意思,就是运营商停止提供某个游戏的下载时,你可以进行游戏复制和修改。
FROM 73.32.199.*
【 在 alphayoung 的大作中提到: 】
: 嗯,我应该加一句据传言
: 但除此之外我想不出这么快滑跪的理由了
FROM 73.32.199.*
Yuzu didn't lose. They settled out of court.
Because the case never reached court, the law was never involved and no definite answer can be given as to why they settled. As far as we know, Yuzu didn't do anything illegal but they did not want to go through the legal process for whatever reason.
Why didn't Yuzu want to go to court? We'll never know. It's possible the discovery phase of the trial would've revealed that the Yuzu team was supportive of piracy in private. It's possible the Yuzu team didn't have the money to go to court. It's possible the Yuzu team didn't want to deal with the stress of a lawsuit. It might be all or none of the above.
The settlement is a relative slap on the wrist for the Yuzu developers. Individual developers did not get sued, only the Tropic Haze LLC got sued. The LLC can declare bankruptcy and dissolve in order to avoid paying the 2.4 million dollars to Nintendo.
What Yuzu was sued for — using Nintendo's cryptographic keys to circumvent Nintendo's copyright protection — is still in a gray area of the law, and nobody is quite sure if it's legal or not. As far as other emulators are concerned, nothing has changed.
【 在 alphayoung 的大作中提到: 】
: 不不,应诉有很长时间可以拖,慢慢搞
: 这么快和解肯定是老任的律师找到他们的律师,甩出几份证据和和解offer,给了48小时时间考虑。估计他们律师看了眼证据就建议他们gg了
FROM 98.44.180.*