扣板机后,屏幕第一帧变黑, 第二帧上可以射击的物体渲染成全白. 光线枪感受这个亮度变化. (如果亮度一致,说明是黑到黑,没击中. 如果是黑到亮,说明命中了.) 如果屏幕有多个可以射击的物体, 每个物体的白色持续时间不同, 光线枪可以黑变白再变黑的持续时间判断击中了哪个目标. 所有 物体都渲染完毕后画面恢复正常显示.
When the trigger on the Zapper is pressed, the game causes the entire screen to become black for one frame. Then, on the next frame, all valid targets that are on
screen are drawn all white as the rest of the screen remains black. The Zapper detects this change in light level and determines if any of the targets are in its hit zone. If a target is hit, the game determines which one was hit based on the duration of the flash, as each target flashes for a different duration.[20][21][22] After all target areas have been illuminated, the game returns to drawing graphics as usual. The whole process is almost imperceptible to the human eye, although one can notice a slight "flashing" of the image but this was easily misconstrued as a simulated muzzle flash.
The NES Zapper can only be used on CRT displays; it will not work on LCDs, plasma displays or other flat panel displays due to display lag. This darkness/brightness sequence prevents the possible issue caused by pointing the Zapper right next to or into a light bulb.[22][23][24] Older light guns did not use this method, making it possible to cheat and get a perfect hit score in a way not possible using the NES Zapper.
【 在 upndown 的大作中提到: 】
: 这个原理非常的巧妙,我有一次专门请教游戏机厂家的人才明白的。抠动ban机后,画面全黑,然后一个亮点逐行逐列扫描下来。光线枪并不发射光线,而是接收光线。当光线枪接收到光线,根据延时就可以计算出它对准的是屏幕上的哪个点
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