Reduced FP consumption and increased the damage of the following sorceries: Glintstone Cometshard/ Comet/ Night Comet
Increased the damage of the following sorceries: Gravity Well/ Collapsing Stars/ Crystal Barrage
Decreased FP consumption of the following sorceries: Star Shower/ Rock Blaster/ Gavel of Haima/ Founding Rain of Stars/ Stars of Ruin/Greatblade Phalanx/Magic Downpour/ Loretta’s Greatbow/ Loretta’s Mastery/ Carian Greatsword/ Carian Piercer/ Shard Spiral
Raised projectile speed and range of Great Glintstone Shard
【 在 IRvine (艾尔文) 的大作中提到: 】
: 这两天在玩一级号通关,刚打完神皮双人组,早上一更新发现后面没法打了,测试了一下,老寒腿伤害砍了40%,而且不受侍王骑士决心加成了
: 哪些速通的都要改套路了
FROM 73.63.245.*