对对对 CEC
CEC (Consumer Electronics Control)
In theory this would allow you seamlessly to control devices with different remotes, ex. Your TV remote could control your AVR's volume.
This is a great idea, unfortunately the way manufacturers have implemented HDMI's CEC means everyone is constantly battling for control resulting in wired & funky behavior.
Your TV randomly powers on after turning it off? CEC!
Your TV randomly switches to a different input? CEC!
Every TV I install the first thing that is changed in the menu after setup is disabling HDMI CEC!
【 在 beijiaoff 的大作中提到: 】
: 我家hdmi cec的联动也是偶有故障。100次有一次失效,失效后就得重新按顺序设置一次,就很烦,用户也没办法解决。
: (eARC只是指音频回传,咱们聊的是(Consumer Electronics Control))
FROM 73.63.245.*