According to the information I searched, there are a few steps you need to follow to get 5.1 surround sound from a Nintendo Switch game console with a device that can handle 5.1 optical fiber input. Here they are:
? First, you need to make sure that your Nintendo Switch is updated to the latest firmware version, which supports 5.1 LPCM surround sound output Second, you need to connect your Nintendo Switch to your TV or monitor via an HDMI cable, and then connect your TV or monitor to your device via an optical fiber cable Alternatively, you can use an HDMI audio extractor that can split the HDMI signal into an HDMI video signal and an optical audio signal Third, you need to go to the settings on your Nintendo Switch and select "TV Settings". Then, go to the audio option and select "Surround Sound". You will see a warning message about the LPCM output and you have to press "Enable Surround Sound" to confirm.
? Fourth, you need to go to the settings on your device and select the optical input as the audio source. You may also need to adjust some settings on your device to match the 5.1 LPCM format of the Nintendo Switch.
? Fifth, you need to test if the 5.1 surround sound works properly by playing a game that supports it, such as Metroid Dread or The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. You can also use the test function on the Nintendo Switch settings to check if all the channels are working correctly.
I hope my answer satisfies you. If you have any other questions or thoughts, feel free to continue chatting with me.
【 在 lmiao 的大作中提到: 】
: 搞了一套廉价的环绕声系统(参见:!article/DigiHome/1232588 ),就是买一个廉价的5.1解码器,连一套廉价的多媒体音箱,看视频就有环绕声效果了。想着接上Switch可
: 以享受环绕声游戏体验,结果效果不如预期,调整到环绕声之后测试要么只有两个声道,要么刺啦刺啦响。
: 研究了一下,Switch输出的是LPCM的环绕声音频,但是市面上的这种解码器一般是只能解杜比DTS、AC3之类的音频,解不了LPCM,要么只剩下两声道,要么就是有问题的效果。
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