- 主题:费德勒发来贺电:让我们继续一起征服星辰大海
I have always had the utmost respect for my friend Rafa as a person and as a champion. As my greatest rival over many years, I believe we have pushed each other to become better players. Therefore, it is a true honor for me to congratulate him on his 20th Grand Slam victory. It is especially amazing that he has now won Roland Garros an incredible 13 times, which is one of the greatest achievements in sport. I also congratulate his team, because nobody can do this alone. I hope 20 is just another step on the continuing journey for both of us. Well done, Rafa. You deserve it.
FROM 116.7.98.*
FROM 218.56.110.*
【 在 ca6 的大作中提到: 】
: IhavealwayshadtheutmostrespectformyfriendRafaasapersonandasachampion.Asmygreatestrivalovermanyyears,Ibelievewehavepushedeachothertobecomebetterplayers.Therefore,itisatruehonorformetocongratulatehimonhis20thGrandSlamvictory.ItisespeciallyamazingthathehasnowwonRolandGarrosanincredible13times,whichisoneofthegreatestachievementsinsport.Ialsocongratulatehisteam,becausenobodycandothisalone.Ihope20isjustanothersteponthecontinuingjourneyforbothofus.Welldone,Rafa.Youdeserveit.
FROM 106.121.131.*
【 在 ca6 的大作中提到: 】
: I have always had the utmost respect for my friend Rafa as a person and as a champion. As my greatest rival over many years, I believe we have pushed each other to become better players. Therefore, it is a true honor for me to congratulate him on his 20th Grand Slam victory. It is especially amazing that he has now won Roland Garros an incredible 13 times, which is one of the greatest achievements in sport. I also congratulate his team, because nobody can do this alone. I hope 20 is just another step on the continuing journey for both of us. Well done, Rafa. You deserve it.
FROM 71.117.30.*
【 在 ca6 的大作中提到: 】
: I have always had the utmost respect for my friend Rafa as a person and as a champion. As my greatest rival over many years, I believe we have pushed each other to become better players. Therefore, it is a true honor for me to congratulate him on his 20th Grand Slam victory. It is especially amazing that he has now won Roland Garros an incredible 13 times, which is one of the greatest achievements in sport. I also congratulate his team, because nobody can do this alone. I hope 20 is just another step on the continuing journey for both of us. Well done, Rafa. You deserve it.
: --
: FROM 116.7.98.*
FROM 153.118.91.*
【 在 ca6 的大作中提到: 】
: I have always had the utmost respect for my friend Rafa as a person and as a champion. As my greatest rival over many years, I believe we have pushed each other to become better players. Therefore, it is a true honor for me to congratulate him on his 20th Grand Slam victory. It is especially amazing that he has now won Roland Garros an incredible 13 times, which is one of the greatest achievements in sport. I also congratulate his team, because nobody can do this alone. I hope 20 is just another step on the continuing journey for both of us. Well done, Rafa. You deserve it.
FROM 218.250.92.*
【 在 manyue331 的大作中提到: 】
: 真朋友啊
: --
: FROM 218.56.110.*
FROM 1.132.104.*