- 主题:小德在纠结要不要参加东京奥运
Novak Djokovic said he is “50-50” on whether to play the Tokyo Olympics and go for a calendar Golden Slam.
“My plan was always to go to Olympic Games, but right now I’m a little bit divided.”
FROM 170.52.75.*
【 在 ChristinaM 的大作中提到: 】
: Novak Djokovic said he is “50-50” on whether to play the Tokyo Olympics and go for a calendar Golden Slam.
: “My plan was always to go to Olympic Games, but right now I’m a little bit divided.”
FROM 117.136.65.*
【 在 Brent 的大作中提到: 】
: 喜大普奔,最好退赛
FROM 170.52.75.*
【 在 ChristinaM 的大作中提到: 】
: Novak Djokovic said he is “50-50” on whether to play the Tokyo Olympics and go for a calendar Golden Slam.
: “My plan was always to go to Olympic Games, but right now I’m a little bit divided.”
FROM 124.17.27.*
【 在 ChristinaM (紫陌|云且留住) 的大作中提到: 】
: Novak Djokovic said he is “50-50” on whether to play the Tokyo Olympics and go for a calendar Golden Slam.
: “My plan was always to go to Olympic Games, but right now I’m a little bit divided.”
FROM 120.245.130.*
【 在 cainaonao 的大作中提到: 】
: 别去也好,特殊情况,可以理解。
FROM 170.52.75.*
【 在 ChristinaM 的大作中提到: 】
: 去不放心,不去不甘心。。
: :
FROM 124.17.27.*
前几天德基不是号称 没观众就不参加吗?
FROM 114.242.248.*
【 在 ChristinaM 的大作中提到: 】
: 这是被刺激了?
FROM 117.136.65.*
【 在 ChristinaM 的大作中提到: 】
: Novak Djokovic said he is “50-50” on whether to play the Tokyo Olympics and go for a calendar Golden Slam.
: “My plan was always to go to Olympic Games, but right now I’m a little bit divided.”
FROM 222.129.51.*