Nick Kyrgios blasts Rafa Nadal for failing to support Novak Djokovic at Australian Open
Kyrgios has since insisted that Nadal should have taken the opportunity to publicly support Djokovic instead of assuming a non-committal stance when quizzed on the matter.
"On a human level, he needs support from other players," the Aussie star told Sportklub.
【 在 newzzdx 的大作中提到: 】
: 纳达尔:我希望德约打澳网 但他的确要为现状负责
: “对我而言,和竞争对手保持良好关系能让生活更美好。我希望诺瓦克一切都好,这次事件真的是够乱了,他不是唯一一位可能没有做好的人,但他是其中一位要为过去两周糟糕处境负责的人。还是那句话,我希望看到他可以打澳网,至于他打澳网是不是公平,那就是另外的话题了,我不想再就此做出评论了。”
FROM 20.69.182.*