- 主题:来看看我的物理假设:引力波是一种电磁波
引力波是一种电磁波hypothesis of physics: gravitational wave is a kind of electromagnetic wave。谁给实验验证下假设引力是电磁波,那么一定能感应出电磁场,那么球形星体周边一定有一个球面电场或球面磁场,地球有球面电场,验证假设,哈哈本世纪最伟大科学家诞生Suppose gravity is an electromagnetic wave, then it must sense an electromagnetic field, then a spherical star must have a spherical electric field or a spherical magnetic field around it, the Earth has a spherical electric field, test the hypothesis, -
※ 修改:·tom2019 于 Oct 31 12:23:04 2021 修改本文·[FROM: 61.54.198.*]
※ 来源:·水木社区
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【 在 tom2019 的大作中提到: 】
: 引力波是一种电磁波hypothesis of physics: gravitational wave is a kind of electromagnetic wave。谁给实验验证下
修改:zuigao FROM 117.136.64.*
FROM 117.136.64.*
【 在 zuigao 的大作中提到: 】
: 你出钱,我出力。。不多,百八亿
FROM 61.54.198.*
【 在 tom2019 的大作中提到: 】
: 你就不能观察下现成现象总结下,又不花钱
FROM 223.104.214.*
我开个头,假设引力是电磁波,那么一定能感应出电磁场,那么球形星体周边一定有一个球面电场或球面磁场,地球有球面电场,验证假设,哈哈本世纪最伟大科学家诞生Suppose gravity is an electromagnetic wave, then it must sense an electromagnetic field, then a spherical star must have a spherical electric field or a spherical magnetic field around it, the Earth has a spherical electric field, test the hypothesis, 在 zuigao 的大作中提到: 】
: 你也可以总结呀,也不花钱
修改:tom2019 FROM 61.54.198.*
FROM 61.54.198.*
【 在 tom2019 的大作中提到: 】
引力波是一种电磁波hypothesis of physics: gravitational wave is a kind of electromagnetic wave。谁给实验验证下假设引力是电磁波,那么一定能感应出电磁场,那么球形星体周边一定有一个球面电场或球面磁场,地球有球面电场,验证假设,哈哈本世纪最伟大科学家诞生Suppose gravity is an electromagnetic wave, then it must sense an electromagnetic field, then a spherical star must have a spherical electric field or a spherical magnetic field around it, the Earth has a spherical electric field, test the hypothesis, -
FROM 139.227.220.*
【 在 wogua11 的大作中提到: 】
: 电磁波是带电粒子才有的
: 引力波是一种电磁波hypothesis of physics: gravitational wave is a kind of electromagnetic wave。谁给实验验证下假设引力是电磁波,那么一定能感应出电磁场,那么球形星体周边一定有一个球面电场或球面磁场,地球有球面电场,验证假设,哈哈本世纪最伟大科学家诞生Suppose gravity is an electromagnetic wave, then it must sense an electromagnetic field, then a spherical star must have a spherical electric field or a spherical magnetic field around it, the Earth has a spherical electric field, test the hypothesis, -
FROM 61.54.198.*
【 在 tom2019 的大作中提到: 】
: 我开个头,假设引力是电磁波,那么一定能感应出电磁场,那么球形星体周边一定有一个球面电场或球面磁场,地球有球面电场,验证假设,哈哈本世纪最伟大科学家诞生Suppose gravity is an electromagnetic wave, then it must sense an electromagnetic field, then a spherical star must have a spherical electric field or a spherical magnetic field around it, the Earth has a spherical electric field, test the hypothesis, 在 zuigao 的大作中提到: 】
FROM 117.136.64.*
【 在 zuigao 的大作中提到: 】
: 假设引力波是电磁波,那么狗狗就要吃饭,恰好狗狗都要吃饭
修改:tom2019 FROM 61.54.198.*
FROM 61.54.198.*
【 在 tom2019 的大作中提到: 】
引力波是一种电磁波hypothesis of physics: gravitational wave is a kind of electromagnetic wave。谁给实验验证下假设引力是电磁波,那么一定能感应出电磁场,那么球形星体周边一定有一个球面电场或球面磁场,地球有球面电场,验证假设,哈哈本世纪最伟大科学家诞生Suppose gravity is an electromagnetic wave, then it must sense an electromagnetic field, then a spherical star must have a spherical electric field or a spherical magnetic field around it, the Earth has a spherical electric field, test the hypothesis, -
修改:wogua11 FROM 139.227.220.*
FROM 139.227.220.*