https://www.consejoculturalmundial.org/winners/winner-science/dr-zhong-lin-wang/Wang’s discovery and breakthroughs in developing nanogenerators have established the principle and technological road map for using mechanical energy for powering mobile sensors. He first showed that the nanogenerator originated from the Maxwell’s displacement current and revived the applications of Maxwell’s equations in energy and sensors. His recent understanding on the physics of triboelectrification solves a 2,600 year old science problem and establishes the foundation for triboelectric nanogenerators.
【 在 fq11240 的大作中提到: 】
: 没听说过有比Nobel更牛的奖,是不是只是名字牛呢
: 现在各种大奖踉跄满目,细看会发现不少是私人协会那一丁点钱出来宣传炒作自己用的
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