tbbt里howard工作的JPL, 钱学森是创始人之一(总共五六个)
JPL traces its beginnings to 1936 in the Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology (GALCIT) when the first set of rocket experiments were carried out in the Arroyo Seco.[2] Caltech graduate students Frank Malina, Qian Xuesen, Weld Arnold[3] and Apollo M. O. Smith, along with Jack Parsons and Edward S. Forman, tested a small, alcohol-fueled motor to gather data for Malina's graduate thesis.[citation needed] Malina's thesis advisor was engineer/aerodynamicist Theodore von K醨m醤, who eventually arranged for U.S. Army financial support for this "GALCIT Rocket Project" in 1939. In 1941, Malina, Parsons, Forman, Martin Summerfield, and pilot Homer Bushey demonstrated the first jet-assisted takeoff (JATO) rockets to the Army. In 1943, von K醨m醤, Malina, Parsons, and Forman established the Aerojet Corporation to manufacture JATO rockets. The project took on the name Jet Propulsion Laboratory in November 1943, formally becoming an Army facility operated under contract by the university.[4][5][6][7] In 1944, Parsons was expelled due to his "unorthodox and unsafe working methods" following one of several FBI investigations into his involvement with the occult, drugs and sexual promiscuity. [8][9]
【 在 PlayerUnkwn (’s Battlegrounds) 的大作中提到: 】
: 钱学森和杨振宁是网络上经常被讨论的科学家,很多网友经常拿他们两人的方方面面进
: 行比较。现在很多网友已经认识到,钱学森的科学成就是远远不能和杨振宁的进行比较
: 。杨振宁能够在科学方面取得辉煌的成就,与他在美国学习和工作有着密切的关系。于
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