- 主题:保加利亚男性二型糖尿病人的平均寿命比非糖尿病人高
Patients with type 2 DM have a longer life-expectancy than patients with type-1 DM and overall Diabetes life expectancy equals that of the non-diabetic population, which could suggest improved disease control and its associated complications in Bulgaria. Male diabetics show slightly longer life expectancy than their counterparts in the non-diabetic population, but a marginal gain of 0.6 years for the entire observed period. Life expectancy in diabetic women increased by 1.3 years, which was not observed in the non-diabetic population. Prevalence of diabetes was higher for women. Improved diabetes control may explain this gain in life; however other studies are needed to confirm this.
修改:trepreneur FROM 39.144.153.*
FROM 39.144.153.*
Life expectancy in diabetic women increased by 1.3 years, which was not observed in the non-diabetic population.
【 在 trepreneur 的大作中提到: 】
: Patients with type 2 DM have a longer life-expectancy than patients with type-1 DM and overall Diabetes life expectancy equals that of the non-diabetic population, which could suggest improved disease control and its associated complications in Bulgaria. Male diabetics show slightly longer life expectancy than their counterparts in the non-diabetic population, but a marginal gain of 0.6 years for the entire observed period. Life expectancy in diabetic women increased by 1.3 years, which was not observed in the non-diabetic population. Prevalence of diabetes was higher for women. Improved diabetes control may explain this gain in life; however other studies are needed to confirm this.
FROM 39.144.153.*
【 在 trepreneur 的大作中提到: 】
: 不过这句话实在没看懂
: Life expectancy in diabetic women increased by 1.3 years, which was not observed in the non-diabetic population.
FROM 223.72.77.*
FROM 223.72.77.*
你翻译成中文我也没看懂,特快有个人给我解释了 我才明白
【 在 soncyme 的大作中提到: 】
: 糖尿病妇女的预期寿命提高了1.3年,这个现象在非糖尿病人群中并未被观察到。
FROM 180.106.84.*
【 在 trepreneur 的大作中提到: 】
: 你翻译成中文我也没看懂,特快有个人给我解释了 我才明白
: :
FROM 223.72.77.*
【 在 soncyme 的大作中提到: 】
: 你还是读医学论文太少了哈哈
FROM 39.144.153.*
【 在 trepreneur 的大作中提到: 】
: 难道你是学医的?
: :
FROM 223.72.77.*
【 在 trepreneur 的大作中提到: 】
: Patients with type 2 DM have a longer life-expectancy than patients with type-1 DM and overall Diabetes life expectancy equals that of the non-diabetic population, which could suggest improved disease control and its associated complications in Bulgaria. Male diabetics show slightly longer life expectancy than their counterparts in the non-diabetic population, but a marginal gain of 0.6 years for the entire observed period. Life expectancy in diabetic women increased by 1.3 years, which was not observed in the non-diabetic population. Prevalence of diabetes was higher for women. Improved diabetes control may explain this gain in life; however other studies are needed to confirm this.
FROM 67.245.123.*
【 在 soncyme 的大作中提到: 】
: 不是,但是经常读医学论文
FROM 49.93.37.*