- 主题:吐槽一下十大的美国医疗帖子,都是选择性说话
【 在 wayy 的大作中提到: 】
: 那个楼主说的美国看病贵,队,也不对,他说他在美国看过病,可是我觉得他透露的信息显示出来他对美国医疗报销体系并不了解。
: 美国和中国的医疗保险,方向是反的。美国的保险是每年自付封顶额度高,但是超过自付封顶部分的所有费用,全额报销。我有一个前同事,中年得了血管瘤,三年花了300多万美元了,他每年只需要付自付封顶部分,大概6000刀,剩下大头全部保险报销了。中国手机完全相反的。没有自付封顶一说。我一个表叔,一场大病花了80多万,报销了60万,自己花了20多万,他还是退休公务员。想想这个差别。
FROM 119.248.32.*
【 在 iccv2009 的大作中提到: 】
: 买得起。按收入来。最低一档收入的差不多保险免费了。
FROM 119.248.32.*
【 在 iccv2009 的大作中提到: 】
: Q. Is there a cap on the amount of Medicare services you can use? I’ve had several expensive surgeries, and I’m worried that my benefits may run out.
: A. In general, there’s no upper dollar limit on Medicare benefits. As long as you’re using medical services that Medicare covers—and provided that they're medically necessary—you can continue to use as many as you need, regardless of how much they cos
: t, in any given year or over the rest of your lifetime.
: ...................
FROM 119.248.34.*
【 在 iccv2009 的大作中提到: 】
: "there’s no upper dollar limit on Medicare benefits"
FROM 218.12.18.*
【 在 iccv2009 的大作中提到: 】
: 低收入自付比例是零。
: You'll typically be eligible for the Medicare Savings Programs if you're an individual who earns less than $19,920 per year or a married couple who earns less than $26,868 per year. The QMB program can pay for the monthly plan costs as well as medical cos
: ts including the deductible, coinsurance and copayments.
: ...................
FROM 119.248.34.*