- 主题:大毛要加鸡腿了
【 在 jjw1937 的大作中提到: 】
: 回帖真累啊,到此打住
FROM 114.254.0.*
【 在 Texas 的大作中提到: 】
: “We can’t allow Vladimir Putin to march through Europe and we understand the necessity of assisting there,” Johnson said this week at a media event in Florida. He expressed “a sense of urgency” and said he was confident that he would get Ukraine aid passed, while stressing that Democrats would need to agree to border policy changes demanded by Republicans.
: Where Johnson stands on Ukraine and how hard he plans to push for tens of billions of dollars in new aid could shape the future of the embattled country, just as the U.S. is facing questions about its commitment to Kyiv and its leadership role overseas.
: 共和党从选票角度来说也需要支持援助乌克兰的,因为铁锈带的很多工厂需要军工业的订单来维持生机。到头来还是要看两党怎样权衡利弊来进行勾兑了。
FROM 124.205.78.*
【 在 Texas 的大作中提到: 】
: 脱缰的野马。
: 美军八月份就批准转让F16给乌克兰,但形成战力的话,谈何容易。而且乌军需要补的窟窿多了去了。
: 一周前的新闻
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FROM 124.205.78.*
【 在 Texas 的大作中提到: 】
: 此外,今天的采访里Lindsey Graham这种人都换口风了。有点意思。Even Lindsey& ...
FROM 124.205.78.*
【 在 Texas 的大作中提到: 】
: Lawmakers tell me there is no way House will pass Ukraine aid in 2023. @SpeakerJohnson is firm on House leaving by Dec. 15 and no Senate deal in sight.
: 过完圣诞假期两党回来继续扯皮预算案防止政府关门,然后就是初选了。这帮人的扯淡能力真是专家级。
FROM 124.205.78.*
【 在 Texas 的大作中提到: 】
: 在美国政客磨磨蹭蹭扯淡的时候,大毛这边可没闲着。可以继续围观了。
: Ukrainian sources again complaining about Russian ammo production (this just from one plant). So according to this source, one plant alone will produce over 1,250,000 rounds.
: In particular, for 2024, only at the facilities of one JSC “V.V. Bakhirev State Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering” (Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region) the following ammunition production is planned:
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FROM 124.205.78.*