Ten states completely ban underage marriage: Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Michigan and Rhode Island. The other states may require the underage partner to obtain either parental consent, judicial authorization, or both, or rely on "exceptional circumstances". The minimum underage marriage age, when all mitigating circumstances are taken into account, commonly ranges from 15 to 17. Nine states do not allow a person over 21 to marry an underage person. As of July 2023, five US states do not set any minimum age for marriage.
【 在 starwar 的大作中提到: 】
: 转一个:美国法定结婚年龄是18岁,但各州的规定有所不同。部分州规定,如双方未满成年人年龄,须经父母同意方可结婚,有的州则规定男子不满18岁、女子不满16岁者,即使父母同意也不能结婚。另外,爱达荷、密西西比、新泽西和华盛顿等州允许年满14岁的男孩、年满12岁的女孩结婚。
FROM 73.32.199.*