Why 'Diamonds Are Forever' Is the Most Underrated James Bond Movie of All-Time?
Conspiracy theories concerning the moon landing have been circulating practically since Apollo 11 touched down on the surface of the moon in July 1969. But it wasn't until the release of "Capricorn One" in 1978, according to astronomer Phil Plait, that this conspiracy theory moved into the mainstream.
【 在 wayy 的大作中提到: 】 : 当年质疑相对论?很多科技界大佬下场,逻辑推理缜密。 : 现在质疑登月,都一堆网红在那儿赚流量割韭菜、一个正经科技圈得都没有,估计都怕丢人。 -- 修改:snowfields FROM 114.225.67.* FROM 114.225.67.*