To distinguish true needs and true desires from the confused identity of the ego is the foundation of abundance and peace. Once you transcend all false needs and desires you will recognize that you need nothing else because all real need is fully satisfied, all real desire is always fulfilled. This is how you become aware that you are a perfectly complete self. You are a being without shortcomings. You are a full self.
The way to distinguish between true feelings and those that come from the ego lies in your ability to feel their energy. That is why it is so important that you are not afraid to feel. This is why you are asked, again and again, to love everything that arises, so that you allow yourself to feel the energy of whatever it is that you experience. You must learn to discern clearly between the feelings that come from love and those that do not.
Both the true feelings, which are those that come from your heart, as well as those that do not come from it, are vital energy. You know which come from truth and which do not by the energy that they elicit in you. The feelings that come from love are the true feelings of your heart. They bring certainty; the others bring restlessness. The true feelings of your heart bring peace; the needs and desires of the ego take it away. The first come simply; the second are accompanied by a confused swarm of emotions, a swirl of energy, a “mixture of emotions.”
Listen only to the voices that bring you joy and peace. The rest do not come from G.
FROM 117.13.239.*