- 主题:这里不够
The head of a decapitated frog can exhibit movement for a short period. This is due to the residual activity in the nervous system. The frog's brain and nervous system can still function briefly after decapitation, allowing reflexive actions to continue. For instance, the brain or even the spinal cord can send electrical signals, which can lead to muscle contractions or twitching. These movements do not indicate conscious control but are instead automatic responses driven by the nervous system's residual activity.
In addition, decapitated frog bodies can show reflex actions, like moving or twitching, even without the brain's involvement. This is due to the spinal cord's ability to control some basic motor functions independently.
【 在 suha2046 的大作中提到: 】
: 你找好资料,争取做一期 走进科学,那个氛围特别相似
FROM 24.203.11.*
【 在 jinbabawa 的大作中提到: 】
: 研究过断头青蛙的还不少,青蛙的头是有一定的运动能力,也能咋眼
: The head of a decapitated frog can exhibit movement for a short period. This is due to the residual activity in the nervous system. The frog's brain and nervous system can still function briefly after decapitation, allowing reflexive actions to continue. For instance, the brain or even the spinal cord can send electrical signals, which can lead to muscle contractions or twitching. These movements do not indicate conscious control but are instead automatic responses driven by the nervous system's residual activity.
: In addition, decapitated frog bodies can show reflex actions, like moving or twitching, even without the brain's involvement. This is due to the spinal cord's ability to control some basic motor functions independently.
: ...................
FROM 114.250.180.*
【 在 suha2046 的大作中提到: 】
: 以前有个北京 人肉包子事件
: 说包子店老板不小心sha了个食客,做成包子后特别好卖,生意大火
: 于是联系殡仪馆亲戚偷运shi体给他做包子
: ...................
FROM 101.86.92.*
【 在 tiansee 的大作中提到: 】
: 好多小说都是说酸的。。
FROM 114.250.180.*
【 在 suha2046 的大作中提到: 】
: 小说作家的段位,估计也是人云亦云了
FROM 101.86.92.*
【 在 suha2046 的大作中提到: 】
: 以前有个北京 人肉包子事件
: 说包子店老板不小心sha了个食客,做成包子后特别好卖,生意大火
: 于是联系殡仪馆亲戚偷运shi体给他做包子
: ...................
FROM 24.203.11.*
【 在 tiansee 的大作中提到: 】
: 要是法医写的呢。。
: 当然伊也未必就尝过
: 也就是看的多了一些
: ...................
FROM 114.250.180.*
【 在 jinbabawa 的大作中提到: 】
: 我也听过类似的传闻
: 有时候吃饭太急,舌头咬掉一块肉,一点不酸
FROM 114.250.180.*
@xiaobaicai0 还是这个看着亲切熟悉
【 在 xiaobaicai0 的大作中提到: 】
: 啊
: 我感觉很便了……都没法接话,水无从灌起
: 降维打击的很欢乐,我不太习惯,如果都降维,就不用分版面了
: ...................
FROM 32.217.8.*
【 在 zhifeizi 的大作中提到: 】
: @xiaobaicai0 还是这个看着亲切熟悉
: 我都被搞得糊涂了
: --
发自「今日水木 on iPhone 13」
FROM 39.144.219.*