When the cube and the things together
Are equal to some discrete number,
Find two other numbers differing in this one.
Then you will keep this as a habit
That their product should always be equal
Exactly to the cube of a third of the things.
The remainder then as a general rule
Of their cube roots subtracted
Will be equal to your principal thing.
In the second of these acts,
When the cube remains alone
You will observe these other agreements:
You will at once divide the number into two parts
So that the one times the other produces clearly
The cube of a third of the things exactly.
Then of these two parts, as a habitual rule,
You will take the cube roots added together,
And this sum will be your thought.
The third of these calculations of ours
Is solved with the second if you take good care,
As in their nature they are almost matched.
These things I found, and not with sluggish steps,
In the year one thousand five hundred, four and thirty
With foundations strong and sturdy
In the city girdled by the sea.
【 在 jinbabawa 的大作中提到: 】
: 25行诗,我找个了,等会贴。。。
修改:jinbabawa FROM 24.203.11.*
FROM 24.203.11.*
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