尔时舍利弗。承佛威神作是念 。若菩萨心净则佛土净者。我世尊本为菩萨时意岂不净。而是佛土不净若此。
Thereupon, magically influenced by the Buddha, the venerable S?a?riputra had this thought: “If the buddhafield is pure only to the extent that the mind of the bodhisattva is pure, then, when S?a?kyamuni Buddha was engaged in the career of the bodhisattva, his mind must have been impure. Otherwise, how could this buddhafield appear to be so impure?”
佛知其念即告之言。于意云何。 日月岂不净耶。而盲者不见。
The Buddha, aware of venerable S?a?riputra’s thoughts, said to him, “What do you think, S?a?riputra? Is it because the sun and moon are impure that those blind from birth do not see them?”
S?a?riputra replied, “No, Lord. It is not so. The fault lies with those blind from birth, and not with the sun and moon.”
The Buddha declared, “In the same way, S?a?riputra, the fact that some living beings do not behold the splendid display of virtues of the buddhafield of the Tatha?gata is due to their own ignorance. It is not the fault of the Tatha?gata. S?a?riputra, the buddhafield of the Tatha?gata is pure, but you do not see it.”
尔时螺髻梵王语舍利弗。勿作是意。谓此佛土以为不净。所以者 何。我见释迦牟尼佛土清净。譬如自在天宫。
Then, the Brahma? S?ikhin said to the venerable S?a?riputra, “Reverend S?a?riputra, do not say that the buddhafield of the Tatha?gata is impure. Reverend S?a?riputra, the buddhafield of the Tatha?gata is pure. I see the splendid expanse of the buddhafield of the Lord S?a?kyamuni as equal to the splendor of, for example, the abodes of the highest deities.”
舍利弗言。我见此土。丘 陵坑坎荆蕀沙砾。土石诸山秽恶充满。
Then the venerable S?a?riputra said to the Brahma? S?ikhin, “As for me, O Brahma?, I see this great earth, with its highs and lows, its thorns, its precipices, its peaks, and its abysses, as if it were entirely filled with ordure.”
螺髻梵言。仁者心有高下。不依 佛慧故。见此土为不净耳。舍利弗。菩萨于一切众生。悉皆平等。深心 清净。依佛智慧则能见此佛土清净。
Brahma? S?ikhin replied, “The fact that you see such a buddhafield as this as if it were so impure, reverend S?a?riputra, is a sure sign that there are highs and lows in your mind and that your positive thought in regard to the buddha-gnosis is not pure either. Reverend S?a?riputra, those whose minds are impartial toward all living beings and whose positive thoughts toward the buddha-gnosis are pure see this buddhafield as perfectly pure.”
于是佛以足指按地。即时三千大千 世界若干百千珍宝严饰。譬如宝庄严佛无量功德宝庄严土。一切大众叹 未曾有。而皆自见坐宝莲华。
Thereupon the Lord touched the ground of this billion-world galactic universe with his big toe, and suddenly it was transformed into a huge mass of precious jewels, a magnificent array of many hundreds of thousands of clusters of precious gems, until it resembled the universe of the Tatha?gata Ratnavyu?ha, called Anantagun?aratnavyu?ha. Everyone in the entire assembly was filled with wonder, each perceiving himself seated on a throne of jeweled lotuses.
Then, the Buddha said to the venerable S?a?riputra, “S?a?riputra, do you see this splendor of the virtues of the buddhafield?”
舍利弗 言。唯然世尊。本所不见。本所不闻。今佛国土严净悉现。
S?a?riputra replied, “I see it, Lord! Here before me is a display of splendor such as I never before heard of or beheld!”
The Buddha said, “S?a?riputra, this buddhafield is always thus pure, but the Tatha?gata makes it appear to be spoiled by many faults, in order to bring about the maturity of inferior living beings. For example, S?a?riputra, the gods of the Trayastrim?s?a heaven all take their food from a single precious vessel, yet the nectar that nourishes each one differs according to the differences of the merits each has accumulated. Just so, S?a?riputra, living beings born in the same buddhafield see the splendor of the virtues of the buddhafields of the buddhas according to their own degrees of purity.”
佛语舍利弗。 我佛国土常净若此。为欲度斯下劣人故。示是众恶不净土耳。譬如诸天 共宝器食随其福德饭色有异。如是舍利弗。若人心净便见此土功德庄严。 当佛现此国土严净之时。宝积所将五百长者子皆得无生法忍。八万四千 人皆发阿耨多罗三藐三菩提心。佛摄神足。于是世界还复如故。求声闻 乘三万二千天及人。知有为法皆悉无常。远尘离垢得法眼净。八千比丘 不受诸法漏尽意解。
【 在 hhy475 的大作中提到: 】
: 分享个佛经小故事吧:
: 《维摩诘所说经》中有这样一段内容:
: 一次,释迦牟尼佛在传法时说道:诸位菩萨如果想感受外境的清净,就应当自净其心。心净,则外境清净,修行至心净之时,外境也会随之而清净。当时,舍利子也在佛陀身边,他心想:娑婆世界(亦即世间人所说的宇宙)这么不清净,难道释迦牟尼佛的心仍然没有清净吗?
: ...................
FROM 70.29.143.*