太抱歉了, 我发的文章信息偏差太大了, 记得有偏差:
大学:University of Virginia
部门:The Division of Perceptual Studies
研究人员:Jim Tucker, Ed Kelly, Ian Stevenson(pass away)
The Division of Perceptual Studies (DOPS) is a research unit within the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences at the University of Virginia Health System. The research faculty of the Division are known internationally for their expertise and research integrity in the investigation of phenomena relevant to the nature of consciousness and its relationship to the physical world.
For more information about our research, please visit our website at www.uvadops.org
Find us on Facebook at
Panel Discussion: Is There Life After Death? Featuring Jim Tucker, MD and Kim Penberthy, PhD.
UVA DOPS Faculty Presentation: Do We Survive Death? A Look at the Evidence.
【 在 stanlyliusu 的大作中提到: 】
: 能请您给个戴维史蒂文森博士的链接吗 或者英文原名是啥 我在网上没搜到相关信息 谢谢!
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