你看我这外行的理解对吗: 纵波是直线抽送 横波是左右横搅 两者合一就是螺纹?
【 在 farewell2023 的大作中提到: 】
: 对,定论很重要,记住定论就可以了
: Electromagnetic waves can either be transverse or a combination of transverse and longitudinal. The simplest and most common electromagnetic waves are transverse. When an electromagnetic wave interacts with an object or material such that it is guided or deflected, it gains a longitudinal component.
: Even electromagnetic waves traveling through free space can have longitudinal components if set up properly. Note that you can't have an electromagnetic wave that is purely longitudinal. You can have non-radiative electromagnetic fields that are purely longitudinal, but not waves.
: ...................
FROM 52.9.227.*