1 day ago
I feel you. Went from making 125k to I’m stocking shelves at Whole Foods making 20 bucks an hour. Huge ego blow. Here’s to us both making more soon
1 day ago
I graduated with a Bachelors in CompSci with internship experience and looking for relevant work after I graduated led to nothing. I applied to hundreds of places and the few places that would actually respond back told me things like I'm "overqualified"; I'll "just treat the job as a stepping stone and leave"; I don't have the necessary experience of 5-10 years for an entry level job, I didn't have experience in a specific coding language greater than the age of the coding language; I wasn't the "right type" of person for white collar work; or that the interviewer wasn't sure exactly what a CompSci degree qualified me for. I blamed myself a lot, but in retrospect, I put too much faith in HR people and my flaw was not being connected enough to people IN the industry, and not moving to a better area for that type of work.
Eventually having to do SOMETHING, I drove school and charter bus and that CDL has been much more valuable in making money than the degree. Company paid for it too, unlike the degree.
【 在 zhifeizi 的大作中提到: 】
: 查了一下,校车司机工资在本州一般是3万2-4万9美元一年
: 福利医保跟着学区走,应该还凑合
: 当然和宇宙中心的码农们有云泥之别了
: ...................
FROM 73.32.199.*