The unemployment rate does not consider discouraged workers, defined as those unemployed workers who would like to work but have given up looking for work altogether, usually because they believe that there are no jobs available.
As of now the "Unemployment Rate" dropped from 10% to 3% within ten years.
And yet the "Labor Force Participation Rate" dropped from 65% to 61% in that same period.
Pending home sales just hit their lowest level in history.
In October, US pending home sales fell 1.5% putting sales down 6.6% over the last year.
This also marks the 23rd STRAIGHT decline in US pending home sales.
To put this in perspective, pending home sales are more than 10% BELOW what they were in 2010.
They are also ~3% below the pandemic low when the global economy was in a lockdown.
All as mortgage demand is at its lowest levels since 1994.
【 在 capablanca 的大作中提到: 】
: 幸亏中国经济更不好,否则美国这几年的财政赤字国家要出事了。经济是多方面的,美国经济增长还不错,就业率也不错,但通胀下不去,联邦政府财政赤字大;中国是经济增长不高,就业率差,通胀倒是很低,中央债务也并不高;有点像金庸说的七伤拳,美国伤的是肝,中国伤的是肾。
FROM 73.32.199.*