【 在 jinbabawa 的大作中提到: 】
: 研究过断头青蛙的还不少,青蛙的头是有一定的运动能力,也能咋眼
: The head of a decapitated frog can exhibit movement for a short period. This is due to the residual activity in the nervous system. The frog's brain and nervous system can still function briefly after decapitation, allowing reflexive actions to continue. For instance, the brain or even the spinal cord can send electrical signals, which can lead to muscle contractions or twitching. These movements do not indicate conscious control but are instead automatic responses driven by the nervous system's residual activity.
: In addition, decapitated frog bodies can show reflex actions, like moving or twitching, even without the brain's involvement. This is due to the spinal cord's ability to control some basic motor functions independently.
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FROM 114.250.180.*