前天和老二(9岁)一对一玩的时候,我随口聊起:where do you get your wisdom from? 因为他从小经常会说出一些三观特别正的话,比我和他爸都要正很多。
我以为他的回答会是学校教的,电视看的,书里读到的。结果他说:When I sleep, all the information comes into my brain as pictures or videos. When I wake up, the wisdom is kept in my brain.
我说不出别的,只能问How? 他说,just like Wi-Fi, once connected, you can access a lot of info.
然后我开玩笑,What is the Wi-Fi password? I want to connect, too. 他说 there is no password.
那我继续,if there is no password, why doesn’t everybody get connected? 儿子说, You decide to connect or not. For the people who can’t connect, they decide not to. Like daddy, he gets emotional easily so he can’t. You have to have a peaceful mind to receive the messages.
【 在 opendoor 的大作中提到: 】
: 原来那个高人是你
FROM 73.13.160.*