逗号。见 F1=TC Help
2. You can also place one or more of Total Commander's internal menu commands here comma-separated. Just click on the button with the magnifying glass and choose a command from the dialog box "Choose command".
Example for multiple commands: cm_SelectAll,cm_Copy
cm_wait x adds a delay of x milliseconds, e.g. cm_SelectAll,cm_wait 1000,cm_Copy
You can open a virtual folder with one of the following commands:
cm_OpenDesktop, cm_OpenDrives, cm_OpenControls, cm_OpenFonts, cm_OpenNetwork, cm_OpenPrinters, cm_OpenRecycled
【 在 EthanHuntIMF 的大作中提到: 】
: 比如Ctrl+D,然后接下来执行两个命令,FTPOPEN 红米Note9 cm_Return,但是不会写
: ①先用FTPOPEN这个命令打开1个名为”红米Note9”的FTP服务器(在手机上建立)
: ②然后接着输出1个回车健(cm_Return)
: ...................
FROM 114.88.209.*