【 在 inception10 的大作中提到: 】
: 法国一年多次往返签证可以免签大溪地吗,但是这个是不是必须要求也在签证有效期之内呀?如果签订生效日期比前往大溪地的行程要晚一段时间签证还没有生效,这段期间也是不能去的,是吗?
: France Visas上面说 You are also exempt from the visa requirement if you: Are planning a stay of less 15 days organised by an approved agency, Or you hold a passport containing amultiple-entry visa valid for six months to five years, issued by a French con
: sular authority. 但是这里没有强调签证必须在有效期啊?
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FROM 139.227.19.*