19年就能解释的通了。最近这几年的apple pay/android pay普及率非常非常高了。
UK Finance said debit cards were the most-used method during 2021, accounting for 48% of all payments and reflecting the continued growth in popularity of contactless cards.
The number of cash transactions fell by 1.7% last year, though it remained the second most commonly used method, accounting for 15% of payments.
【 在 frogcow 的大作中提到: 】
: 我说了不同国家普及程度不一样啊,电子支付的手续费比 POS 机低很多,普及得好的国家当然没问题,但人家的电子支付又不是微信/支付宝.. 门槛还挺高的
: 19年去英国的时候,10欧以下没见过愿意走 VISA 的;也遇到过 POS 机既不支持磁条卡,用芯片卡也刷不出来的.. 可能我的发卡行比较挫吧,只有银联 NFC,没有 VISA 的 NFC
FROM 147.161.236.*