There are cell towers at Mammoth Hot Springs, West yellowstone, Grant Village, Lake Village, Old Faithful, and Mount Washburn. That means, at the park’s north and west entrances, cell service is fairly dependable. It’s also usually solid at most of the park’s developed areas.
2018 2019去住小木屋的时候手机信号基本不是问题了
【 在 coolsailor 的大作中提到: 】
: 就是绝大地方都没有手机信号
: 那么大的地儿,开车没有半天一天,是走不出去的。
: 而且一开出黄石区域,到了隔壁公园(也是美国十大公园之一)都有信号
: ...................
FROM 104.0.42.*