【 在 threepiggies 的大作中提到: 】
: 谢谢告知!是在Noah你们住的地方附近吗?我看Moeraki有那种大球石头海滩,估计小孩能玩几个小时都不厌倦哈哈
: 我希望去看好几处有企鹅和海豹的地方,哈哈
“On the southernmost tip of the Moeraki Peninsula is the Katiki Point Historic Reserve. Access is via Lighthouse Road, a metal road from Tenby Street in the Moeraki Village. The reserve is 4km from Moeraki village. The reserve is home to a New Zealand fur seal colony, numerous sea birds, including little blue penguins and a yellow-eyed penguin colony.”
FROM 121.45.194.*