Longmen Grottoes
The grottoes and niches of Longmen contain the largest and most impressive collection of Chinese art of the late Northern Wei and Tang Dynasties (316-907). These works, entirely devoted to the Buddhist religion, represent the high point of Chinese stone carving.
The Longmen Grottoes, located on bothsides of the Yi River to the south of the ancient capital of Luoyang, Henan province, comprise more than 2,300 caves and niches carved into the steep limestone cliffs over a 1km long stretch. These contain almost 110,000 Buddhist stone statues, more than 60 stupas and 2,800 inscriptions carved on steles. Luoyang was the capital during the late Northern Wei Dynasty and early Tang Dynasty, and the most intensive period of carving dates from the end of the 5th century to the mid-8th century. The earliest caves to be carved in the late 5th and early 6th centuries in the West Hill cliffs include Guyangdong and the Three Binyang Caves, all containing large Buddha figures. Yaofangdong Cave contains 140 inscription recording treatments for various diseases and illnesses. Work on the sculpture in this cave continued over a 150 year period, illustrating changes in artistic style. The sculptural styles discovered in the Buddhist caves of the Tang Dynasty in the 7th and 8th centuries, particularly the giant sculptures in the Fengxiansi Cave are the most fully representative examples of the Royal Cave Temples’ art, which has been imitated by artists from various regions. The two sculptural art styles, the earlier “Central China Style” and the later “Great Tang Style” had great influence within the country and throughout the world, and have made important contributions to the development of the sculptural arts in other Asian countries.
Criterion (i) : The sculptures of the Longmen Grottoes are an outstanding manifestation of human artistic creativity.
Criterion (ii) : The Longmen Grottoes illustrate the perfection of a long-established art form which was to play a highly significant role in the cultural evolution in this region of Asia.
Criterion (iii) : The high cultural level and sophisticated society of Tang Dynasty China are encapsulated in the exceptional stone carvings of the Longmen Grottoes.
【 在 PeachGG 的大作中提到: 】
: 标 题: Re: 三大石窟的区别 (转载)
: 发信站: 水木社区 (Mon Mar 4 21:39:33 2024), 站内
: 龙门石窟位于河南省洛阳市,是世界上造像最多、规模最大的石刻艺术宝库,被联合国教科文组织评为“中国石刻艺术的最高峰”,位居中国各大石窟之首。
: 这是官方的评价
: 【 在 movieking 的大作中提到: 】
: : 去过 龙门 大同 麦积山 , 这种地方难道不是主要看历史文化 和 造像的艺术性吗? 以此而论, 云冈第一(文明交汇之时之地) 麦积山第二(造像艺术性最高)龙门最次……
: : 敦煌还没去 我觉得从历史文化意义上讲,敦煌肯定无敌
: : 发自「今日水木 on iOS」
: : ...................
: --
: 春去花落飘无痕,
: 怎么纠缠一生?
: 几经几世几多人,
: 始终为情所困。
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