- 主题:这是在冒充godaddy吗?
Please accept our apology and your enclosed offer
发件人: GoDaddy.com notice@godaddy.com 通过“returns.secureserver.net”
回复: "GoDaddy.com" <notice@godaddy.com>
发送至: xxx@gmail.com
日期: 2012年9月14日 下午1:30
主题: Please accept our apology and your enclosed offer
邮送域: returns.secureserver.net
We owe you a big apology for the intermittent service outages we experienced on September 10 that may have impacted your website, your email and other Go Daddy services.
We let you down and we know it. We take our responsibilities — and the trust you place in us — very seriously. I cannot express how sorry I am to those of you who were inconvenienced.
The service outage was due to a series of internal network events that corrupted router data tables. Once the issues were identified, we took corrective actions to restore services for our customers and GoDaddy.com. We have implemented a series of immediate measures to fix the problem.
At no time was any sensitive customer information, including credit card data, passwords or names and addresses, compromised.
FROM 58.23.13.*
【 在 pengtu (土人·天问) 的大作中提到: 】
: 刚收到一封信,有点可疑,但又没看到骗钱的要求,似乎说godaddy出了故障,有其他人遇到吗?
: Please accept our apology and your enclosed offer
: 发件人: GoDaddy.com notice@godaddy.com 通过“returns.secureserver.net”
: ...................
FROM 61.135.172.*
【 在 pengtu (土人·天问) 的大作中提到: 】
: 刚收到一封信,有点可疑,但又没看到骗钱的要求,似乎说godaddy出了故障,有其他人遇到吗?
: Please accept our apology and your enclosed offer
: 发件人: GoDaddy.com notice@godaddy.com 通过“returns.secureserver.net”
: ...................
FROM 115.236.39.*
【 在 pengtu (土人·天问) 的大作中提到: 】
: 刚收到一封信,有点可疑,但又没看到骗钱的要求,似乎说godaddy出了故障,有其他人遇到吗?
: Please accept our apology and your enclosed offer
: 发件人: GoDaddy.com notice@godaddy.com 通过“returns.secureserver.net”
: ...................
FROM 222.131.112.*
【 在 yomi (游民) 的大作中提到: 】
: 被攻击了,网上有新闻的。
FROM 58.23.13.*
【 在 marsteel (K ) 的大作中提到: 】
: 打折优惠码
: 不是假的,的确被攻击了
FROM 58.23.13.*
cnbeta 【转载】 2012年09月13日 10:00 暂无评论
美国域名供应商GoDaddy.com在周一的服务意外停止事故后,其服务的数百万站点受到影响,原本可能涉及比较可观的赔偿问题。在一封电子邮件中,GoDaddy临时CEO Scott Wagner表示,公司已经给所有受影响的客户免费赠送了一个月的服务使用期。
【 在 yomi (游民) 的大作中提到: 】
: 被攻击了,网上有新闻的。
FROM 58.23.13.*