if you are a starter web dev just learn as many as you can, more than
a dozen languages out there can do the job.
to name a few:
jvm: java scala clojure
.net: c# f# vb.net
python ruby perl
all have developed reasonably complete ecosystem to support most of
web dev.
php was, is, and will be for decades a major part of internet business,
which, I think is enough for you to stick to before you enter administration.
as for apache vs nginx, use apache only when everything is php.
【 在 myspam (myspam) 的大作中提到: 】
: 听说PHP 7效率很好,和HIP HOP差不多了,但是比较喜欢python的语法格式,现在python做网站的话用NGINX和FASTCGI还是什么啊?效率有PHP 7好吗?
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