- 主题:[求助]现在入门应该从什么框架开始比较好?
took me two weeks and I still don't know wtf is the scoping rules in
【 在 muser (负尽千重罪,练就不死心) 的大作中提到: 】
: 请问:angular是不是就module, router....这几个东西?是不是一天就可以学完?
FROM 180.173.114.*
fp is the only successful paradigm in js, and react is friendly to fp
【 在 muser (负尽千重罪,练就不死心) 的大作中提到: 】
: react 好用吗,能提高生产力吗? ————这两天看了一下,不知道它为什么这么火。我前台没经验,拿个jquery bootstrap就觉得很强大了
FROM 180.173.114.*
only having closures is not necessarily fp.
【 在 muser (负尽千重罪,练就不死心) 的大作中提到: 】
: 各种回调不算是 fp 吗?
FROM 183.195.251.*
if you mean requirejs and angularjs, they are different creatures
【 在 officercat (黑猫警长·奈叶要加油) 的大作中提到: 】
: requiredJS现在什么情况,被agularJS替代了么?
FROM 183.195.251.*
【 在 muser (负尽千重罪,练就不死心) 的大作中提到: 】
: 我不知道为什么双向绑定会evil....
say scope.inputX is bound to dom, then it means the value of scope.inputX
can change at any time. essentially a "volatile" modifier in c. such
things can break at any time, because you cannot tell what its value is
without fetching from it; if it changed while you are computing it is hard
to tell how your computation will continue.
FROM 183.195.251.*
fundamental libraries (e.g. dom, node api) provides async by callback,
thus requires code to be organized around first-class functions.
the js language lacks class-based inheritance.
1 = you have to work with many functions
2 = you cannot work with many classes
1+2 = you have to write many functions working with dumb objects.
this is where fp wins.
【 在 muser (负尽千重罪,练就不死心) 的大作中提到: 】
: so why fp wins?
FROM 183.195.251.*
【 在 muser (负尽千重罪,练就不死心) 的大作中提到: 】
: 这个理由好。不过,js不是单线程的吗?在一个循环结束前,新的数值是不是不会进来?
as discussed below, you can get into async, or call yourself back.
: to tell how your computation will continue.: ...................
FROM 183.195.251.*
explicit locking is more error prone.
【 在 muser (负尽千重罪,练就不死心) 的大作中提到: 】
: 另外,在传统gui里,是通过锁定界面来防止运算过程中的数值改变。angular加个功能以指定某个时段内某dom节点disabled应该也很容易吧?
FROM 183.195.251.*
using locks means you are working with shared mutable state, which is
already bad up front.
if you want a concrete example, try wrap up a simple message queue system
in erlang and c++/java/..., compare the amout of work. while erlang
has a good concurrency runtime, its immutable restrictions still helps
in making a good design.
basically, I believe "anything that can go wrong will go wrong". one can
forget to lock but cannot modify immutables limited by language.
【 在 muser (负尽千重罪,练就不死心) 的大作中提到: 】
: 有什么具体事例支持这个说法吗?
FROM 180.173.114.*
【 在 muser (负尽千重罪,练就不死心) 的大作中提到: 】
: 墨菲定律,我觉得主要是心理上的感受。
: 现实中,爬火梯走钢丝的杂技演员多了。
: 编程也是。
but it is irresponsible to tell newbies to play acrobat.
: 刀梯上行走,不是求的刺激。而是知道,刀锋和皮肤接触后两者没有相对位移,就不会割伤。
: erlang我用过一年多。天之道,尺有所短寸有所长。所以,无论erlang 听上去如何完美,她也搞了个mutable 的 mnesia 数据库。
the point is not about never to use mutable state; it is that managing
mutable state is hard, so avoid it when unnecessary, and when necessary,
keep things manageable. a database is a typical manageable global
mutable state; we all know how to manage it, and we assume we have only
one or a few of them.
: 我个人觉得,该做什么做就是了。需要锁就锁,不需要就不锁。所谓好坏都是放在某个上下文里才有意义的。
and, well, in the context of webdev, and especially at the client side
as is the topic of this thread, the problem comes down to soft real-time
programming with deadline of 1/24 s, in a single thread using cooperative
multitasking in (explicit or implicit) continuation-passing style --- if
you lock, you are always in the GUI thread. take your example, if you
lock a component to deny writes to its state, the logic may be:
- UI components discard user input if locked;
of course, input is discarded, and if background computation accidentally
took too long the UI just broke up.
- cancel background computation if any;
cancellable promises are yet to mature, and side effects around
cancelling require a lot of attention.
- buffer input and retry when unlocked;
looks somewhat too complex to me, and, retry is not always desired.
in a 2-way binding, all these must be done before binding is updated, that
is, usually directly in the UI component.
but if using 1-way data flow, an UI component can blindly push out new
inputs, because we can easily plug-in a "locking" layer between the view and
controller/model. in FRP this can be streams. above problems are not
automatically solved, but there is no longer need to lock in every component
and every piece of logic code.
well, in 2-way binding the scheme can be emulated by taking a snapshot of
all required data before starting computations, but this already makes the
whole thing a 1-way flow.
FROM 183.195.251.*