iirc that
$E = result from b.php
echo $E;
was not in the original post; sorry i did not read it again.
but, imo, how "execute" and "invoke" are performed server side is just
nonsense to the client. if a redirection must not be used the question
ought to be worded differently, because that matters the api visible to
the client.
【 在 dhcn (Growth Coder) 的大作中提到: 】
: title里面有"执行"",原文里面有"调用",你要还觉得不明确,自己复习redirec和forward的区别去。
: :this does not look obvious to me from the original question.
: :and back to the beginning, why? it looks like a typical x-y question.
: ...................
FROM 180.173.115.*