Plans for the Next Iteration of Vue.js
Why a new major version?
Vue 2.0 was released exactly two years ago (how time flies!). During this period, the core has remained backwards compatible with five minor releases. We’ve accumulated a number of ideas that would bring improvements, but they were held off because they would result in breaking changes. At the same time, the JavaScript ecosystem and the language itself has been evolving rapidly. There are greatly improved tools that could enhance our workflow, and many new language features that could unlock simpler, more complete, and more efficient solutions to the problems Vue is trying to solve. What’s more exciting is that we are seeing ES2015 support becoming a baseline for all major evergreen browsers. Vue 3.0 aims to leverage these new language features to make Vue core smaller, faster, and more powerful.
Vue 3.0 is currently in prototyping phase, and we have already implemented a runtime close to feature-parity with 2.x. Many of the items listed below are either already implemented, or confirmed to be feasible. Ones that are not yet implemented or still in exploration phase are marked with a *.
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The Details
High-Level API Changes
TL;DR: Everything except render function API and scoped-slots syntax will either remain the same or can be made 2.x compatible via a compatibility build.
Source Code Architecture
TL;DR: better decoupled internal modules, TypeScript, and a codebase that is easier to contribute to.
Observation Mechanism
TL;DR: more complete, precise, efficient and debuggable reactivity tracking & API for creating observables.
Other Runtime Improvements
TL;DR: smaller, faster, tree-shakable features, fragments & portals, custom renderer API.
Compiler Improvements*
TL;DR: tree-shaking friendly output, more AOT optimizations, parser with better error info and source map support.
IE11 Support*
TL;DR: it will be supported, but in a separate build with the same reactivity limitations of Vue 2.x.
How Do We Get There
1. Internal Feedback for the Runtime Prototype
2. Public Feedback via RFCs
3. Introduce Compatible Features in 2.x & 2.x-next
4. Alpha Phase
5. Beta Phase
6. RC Phase
7. IE11 build
8. Final Release
In all honesty, we don’t know when this will happen yet, but likely in 2019. Again, we care more about shipping something that is solid and stable rather than hitting specific dates. There is a lot of work to be done, but we are excited for what’s coming next!
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