The proper way to restart Nginx after a configuration change is to use the built in signals. As noted on the Nginx Wiki, the following signals are presently supported:
* TERM, INT - Quick shutdown
* QUIT - Graceful shutdown
* HUP - Configuration reload: Start the new worker processes with a new configuration, Gracefully shutdown the old worker processes
* USR1 - Reopen the log files
* USR2 - Upgrade Executable on the fly
* WINCH - Gracefully shutdown the worker processes
【 在 babam (babam) 的大作中提到: 】
: g了一下,看网上说 有方法可以 平滑重启
: 他用的是这个命令
: kill -HUP `cat /data/nginx/logs/`
FROM 221.137.223.*