The problem possibly lies with DOM, not jquery. And browser implements DOM.
In DOM, there is no API for you to get the added eventListener.
So the workaround is: keep the reference (in a variable or your map) to the handler before it's attached to an event.
Or maybe Jquery can automatically keep the reference for you?
【 在 wuhaochi (oo) 的大作中提到: 】
: 如果像我标题里要求的,能直接从所给的DOM节点得到它上面挂截的 event handler,那么在给节点挂handler时就无所谓给不给名字。比如,假设jquery提示 jquery.get_handler('dblclick')这样的函数
: 那么我只需要这么做。 $table.dblclick(function (){
: // this is anonymous function, but we can find it by $.get_handler
: ...................
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