restful已经old了,我大rails已经上action cable了
按照目前看到资料,cable channel 这种技术优势可喜,将来取代restful都说不定
【 在 dhcn 的大作中提到: 】
: 前两天发给移动端同事的布道内容, Martin Fowler的总结还是比较到位的,遗憾的是国内大多数所谓Restful可能连level2都达不到。
: Dr. Leonard Richardson put together a maturity model that interprets various levels of compliance with RESTful principles, and grades them. It describes 4 levels, starting at level 0. Martin Fowler has a very good write-up on the maturity model
: Level 0: the Swamp of POX - at this level, we’re just using HTTP as a transport. You could call SOAP a Level 0 technology. It uses HTTP, but as a transport. It’s worth mentioning that you could also use SOAP on top of something like JMS with no HTTP at all. SOAP, thus, is not RESTful. It’s only just HTTP-aware.
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