well, for the backend you can test http api.
for the frontend, if you go MVC, model must be testable; views can be
organized as combining basic view components, and these components can be
testable. controller... that's pretty much the UI is all about, maybe
nothing to test.
personally I never did load tests, sorry...
【 在 saynothing (止语) 的大作中提到: 】
: 小团队,也就两三个人开发,O2O模式,业务流、使用流上的东西多;没有复杂的算法。
: 个人觉得保证网站开发质量的点主要在于:(0) 前期框架的使用,技术难点和实现细节的
: 讨论和澄清 (1) code review (2) 单元测试,主要针对单个功能,测试各种不同的输
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