【 在 facilitator (黄书中自有颜如玉 脸书中自有黄金屋) 的大作中提到: 】
: 不是吧
: RxJS的subscribe就是1-3个callback函数 从并无法推断其所属的Component是否还存在 js引擎的垃圾回收没有那么主动 callback函数的引用传递给了RxJS 就不会被回收 你要主动unsubscribe才能中止
when using flatMapLatest a new stream unsubscribes the previous stream.
: Angular的推荐做法就是在ngOnDestroy unsubscribe Rxjs
ng components do not compose like react components do, so there will be
many entry points from the dom. each entry point requires manual
subscription; react simply has less entry points.
but well, very few projects use react in this way.
FROM 49.221.19.*