In HTML, links and references to external images, applets, form-processing
programs, style sheets, etc. are always specified by a URI. Relative URIs are
resolved according to a base URI, which may come from a variety of sources.
The BASE element allows authors to specify a document's base URI explicitly.
When present, the BASE element must appear in the HEAD section of an HTML
document, before any element that refers to an external source. The path
information specified by the BASE element only affects URIs in the document
where the element appears.
【 在 textilerolle (michael) 的大作中提到: 】
: 我在html页面加载了base标签 <base href="https://www.lfymls.cn/user/"/>
: ,然后再js中引入"<img width='15' src='/img/gou.png'/>"图片不显示,去掉base标签就好了
: 这个东西真操蛋,半天解决不了
: ...................
FROM 220.181.41.*