Wahl老师原话:“My body finally broke down on me. What had been a cold over the last 10 days turned into something more severe on the night of the USA-Netherlands game, and I could feel my upper chest take on a new level of pressure and discomfort.”(我身体终于垮了。前面10天感觉像是感冒,今晚美国队对荷兰队比赛的时候,终于变得更严重了。我能感到自己胸部的压迫感和不适感加重了一档)
Wahl老师的另一段原话:“I didn't have Covid (I test regularly here), but I went into the medical clinic and the main media center today, and they said I probably have bronchitis.”(我没得新冠,因为在这边要定期检测,但是今天我去了主媒体中心和诊所,他们说我很可能得了支气管炎)
【 在 windowscr 的大作中提到: 】
: 而且不光是在演播室,经常去现场
: 马凡舒们也经常被拍到,就坐在看台上。
: 他们有没有谁羊了隔离的。
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FROM 223.72.4.*