https://www.whoscored.com/ExplanationsWhoScored.com Ratings are considered to be the most accurate, respected and well-known performance indicators in the world of football. Our ratings are currently used among media giants, bookmakers and football clubs.
WhoScored.com Ratings are based on a unique, comprehensive statistical algorithm, calculated live during the game. There are over 200 raw statistics included in the calculation of a player'’s/team’'s rating, weighted according to their influence within the game. Every event of importance is taken into account, with a positive or negative effect on ratings weighted in relation to its area on the pitch and its outcome.
【 在 babyjay 的大作中提到: 】
: 先搞清楚争论的起源,那位版友对whoscore冷嘲热讽,我说没必要,打分本身就具有主观成分,梅西表现更具观赏性,打分比C罗高也没必要冷嘲热讽,C罗本轮最佳没太大争议。
: 再反过来说观赏性,C罗的两个头球,看见C罗往禁区跑边路起球都知道他要抢点,进了会说这意识和身体真牛逼;梅西的第二个进球以为他要左脚射门结果他扣飞俩人用逆足脚射门,第一个助攻以为他要扣到左脚射门或传中间的苏牙,结果他传不知道啥时候上来的远端皮克,这两球让人意想不到,足球还可以这么踢。
: 最后回你的问题,C罗是本轮最佳球员就一定要是最具观赏性吗?你说我拍脑袋,那你让版友投票这两个进球和C罗的两个头球哪个更漂亮。
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